Search Results: "hugo"

16 July 2021

Jamie McClelland: From Ikiwiki to Hugo

Back in the days of Etch, I converted this blog from Drupal to ikiwiki. I remember being very excited about this brand new concept of static web sites derived from content stored in a version control system. And now over a decade later I ve moved to hugo. I feel some loyalty to ikiwiki and Joey Hess for opening my eyes to the static web site concept. But ultimately I grew tired of splitting my time and energy between learning ikiwiki and hugo, which has been my tool of choice for new projects. When I started getting strange emails that I suspect had something to do with spammers filling out ikiwiki s commenting registration system, I choose to invest my time in switching to hugo over debugging and really understanding how ikiwiki handles user registration. I carefully reviewed anarcat s blog on converting from ikiwiki to hugo and learned about a lot of ikiwiki features I am not using. Wow, it s times like these that I m glad I keep it really simple. Based on the various ikiwiki2hugo python scripts I studied, I eventually wrote a far simpler one tailored to my needs. Also, in what could only be called a desperate act of procrastination combined with a touch of self-hatred (it s been a rough week) I rejected all the commenting options available to me and choose to implement my own in PHP. What?!?! Why would anyone do such a thing? I refer you to my previous sentence about desperate procrastination. And also I know it s fashionable to hate PHP, but honestly as the first programming language I learned, there is something comforting and familiar about it. And, on a more objective level, I can deploy it easily to just about any hosting provider in the world. I don t have to maintain a unicorn service or a nodejs service and make special configuration entries in my web configuration. All I have to do is upload the php files and I m done. Well, I m sure I ll regret this decision. Special thanks to Alexander Bilz for the anatole hugo theme. I choose it via a nearly random click to avoid the rabbit hole of choosing a theme. And, by luck, it has turned out quite well. I only had to override the commento partial theme page to hijack it for my own commenting system s use.

28 April 2021

Antoine Beaupr : Building a status page service with Hugo

The Tor Project now has a status page which shows the state of our major services. You can check for news about major outages in Tor services, including v3 and v2 onion services, directory authorities, our website (, and the tool. The status page also displays outages related to Tor internal services, like our GitLab instance. This post documents why we launched, how the service was built, and how it works.

Why a status page The first step in setting up a service page was to realize we needed one in the first place. I surveyed internal users at the end of 2020 to see what could be improved, and one of the suggestions that came up was to "document downtimes of one hour or longer" and generally improve communications around monitoring. The latter is still on the sysadmin roadmap, but a status page seemed like a good solution for the former. We already have two monitoring tools in the sysadmin team: Icinga (a fork of Nagios) and Prometheus, with Grafana dashboards. But those are hard to understand for users. Worse, they also tend to generate false positives, and don't clearly show users which issues are critical. In the end, a manually curated dashboard provides important usability benefits over an automated system, and all major organisations have one.

Picking the right tool It wasn't my first foray in status page design. In another life, I had setup a status page using a tool called Cachet. That was already a great improvement over the previous solutions, which were to use first a wiki and then a blog to post updates. But Cachet is a complex Laravel app, which also requires a web browser to update. It generally requires more maintenance than what we'd like, needing silly things like a SQL database and PHP web server. So when I found cstate, I was pretty excited. It's basically a theme for the Hugo static site generator, which means that it's a set of HTML, CSS, and a sprinkle of Javascript. And being based on Hugo means that the site is generated from a set of Markdown files and the result is just plain HTML that can be hosted on any web server on the planet.

Deployment At first, I wanted to deploy the site through GitLab CI, but at that time we didn't have GitLab pages set up. Even though we do have GitLab pages set up now, it's not (yet) integrated with our mirroring infrastructure. So, for now, the source is hosted and built in our legacy git and Jenkins services. It is nice to have the content hosted in a git repository: sysadmins can just edit Markdown in the git repository and push to deploy changes, no web browser required. And it's trivial to setup a local environment to preview changes:
hugo serve --baseUrl=http://localhost/
firefox https://localhost:1313/
Only the sysadmin team and gitolite administrators have access to the repository, at this stage, but that could be improved if necessary. Merge requests can also be issued on the GitLab repository and then pushed by authorized personnel later on, naturally.

Availability One of the concerns I have is that the site is hosted inside our normal mirror infrastructure. Naturally, if an outage occurs there, the site goes down. But I figured it's a bridge we'll cross when we get there. Because it's so easy to build the site from scratch, it's actually trivial to host a copy of the site on any GitLab server, thanks to the .gitlab-ci.yml file shipped (but not currently used) in the repository. If push comes to shove, we can just publish the site elsewhere and point DNS there. And, of course, if DNS fails us, then we're in trouble, but that's the situation anyway: we can always register a new domain name for the status page when we need to. It doesn't seem like a priority at the moment. Comments and feedback are welcome!
This article was first published on the Tor Project Blog.

31 March 2021

Timo Jyrinki: MotionPhoto / MicroVideo File Formats on Pixel Phones

Google Pixel phones support what they call Motion Photo which is essentially a photo with a short video clip attached to it. They are quite nice since they bring the moment alive, especially as the capturing of the video starts a small moment before the shutter button is pressed. For most viewing programs they simply show as static JPEG photos, but there is more to the files.
I d really love proper Shotwell support for these file formats, so I posted a longish explanation with many of the details in this blog post to a ticket there too. Examples of the newer format are linked there too.
Info posted to Shotwell ticket

There are actually two different formats, an old one that is already obsolete, and a newer current format. The older ones are those that your Pixel phone recorded as MVIMG_[datetime].jpg", and they have the following meta-data:
Xmp.GCamera.MicroVideo                       XmpText     1  1
Xmp.GCamera.MicroVideoVersion XmpText 1 1
Xmp.GCamera.MicroVideoOffset XmpText 7 4022143
Xmp.GCamera.MicroVideoPresentationTimestampUs XmpText 7 1331607
The offset is actually from the end of the file, so one needs to calculate accordingly. But it is exact otherwise, so one simply extract a file with that meta-data information:
# Extracts the microvideo from a MVIMG_*.jpg file

# The offset is from the ending of the file, so calculate accordingly
offset=$(exiv2 -p X "$1" grep MicroVideoOffset sed 's/.*\"\(.*\)"/\1/')
filesize=$(du --apparent-size --block=1 "$1" sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/')
extractposition=$(expr $filesize - $offset)
echo offset: $offset
echo filesize: $filesize
echo extractposition=$extractposition
dd if="$1" skip=1 bs=$extractposition of="$(basename -s .jpg $1).mp4"
The newer format is recorded in filenames called PXL_[datetime].MP.jpg , and they have a _lot_ of additional metadata:
Xmp.GCamera.MotionPhoto                      XmpText     1  1
Xmp.GCamera.MotionPhotoVersion XmpText 1 1
Xmp.GCamera.MotionPhotoPresentationTimestampUs XmpText 6 233320
Xmp.xmpNote.HasExtendedXMP XmpText 32 E1F7505D2DD64EA6948D2047449F0FFA
Xmp.Container.Directory XmpText 0 type="Seq"
Xmp.Container.Directory[1] XmpText 0 type="Struct"
Xmp.Container.Directory[1]/Container:Item XmpText 0 type="Struct"
Xmp.Container.Directory[1]/Container:Item/Item:Mime XmpText 10 image/jpeg
Xmp.Container.Directory[1]/Container:Item/Item:Semantic XmpText 7 Primary
Xmp.Container.Directory[1]/Container:Item/Item:Length XmpText 1 0
Xmp.Container.Directory[1]/Container:Item/Item:Padding XmpText 1 0
Xmp.Container.Directory[2] XmpText 0 type="Struct"
Xmp.Container.Directory[2]/Container:Item XmpText 0 type="Struct"
Xmp.Container.Directory[2]/Container:Item/Item:Mime XmpText 9 video/mp4
Xmp.Container.Directory[2]/Container:Item/Item:Semantic XmpText 11 MotionPhoto
Xmp.Container.Directory[2]/Container:Item/Item:Length XmpText 7 1679555
Xmp.Container.Directory[2]/Container:Item/Item:Padding XmpText 1 0
Sounds like fun and lots of information. However I didn t see why the length in first item is 0 and I didn t see how to use the latter Length info. But I can use the mp4 headers to extract it:
# Extracts the motion part of a MotionPhoto file PXL_*.MP.mp4

extractposition=$(grep --binary --byte-offset --only-matching --text \
-P "\x00\x00\x00\x18\x66\x74\x79\x70\x6d\x70\x34\x32" $1 sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/')

dd if="$1" skip=1 bs=$extractposition of="$(basename -s .jpg $1).mp4"
UPDATE: I wrote most of this blog post earlier. When now actually getting to publishing it a week later, I see the obvious ie the Length is again simply the offset from the end of the file so one could do the same less brute force approach as for MVIMG. I ll leave the above as is however for the of binary grepping.(cross-posted to my other blog)

12 March 2021

Ryan Kavanagh: Static Comments in Hugo

I switched from Jekyll to Hugo last week for a variety of reasons. One thing that was missing was a port of the jekyll-static-comments plugin that I used to use. I liked it because it saved readers from being tracked by Disqus or other comments solutions, and it required no javascript. To comment, users would email me their comment following a template attached to the bottom of each post. I then piped their email through a script to add it to the right post. As an added benefit, I could delegate comment spam detection to my mail server. I ve managed to reimplement this setup using Hugo. For those who are interested in a similar setup, here is what you need to do.

Pages with comments Instead of being single files, pages need to be leaf bundles. For example, this means that your blog post must be located at /content/blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/ instead of /content/blog/ This lets you store the comments as page resources in the subdirectory /content/blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/comments/.

Partials You should create a comments.html partial and include it in the layout for the pages which should get comments:
<div class="post-comments">
  <p class="comment-notice"><b>Comments</b>: To comment on this post,
	send me an email following the template below. Your email address
	will not be posted, unless you choose to include it in
	the <span style="font-family: monospace;">link:</span> field.</p>
  <pre class="comment-notice">
To: Your Name &lt;<span>@</span>;
Subject: [blog-comment]   .Page.RelPermalink  
post_id:   .Page.RelPermalink  
author: [How should you be identified? Usually your name or "Anonymous"]
link: [optional link to your website]
Your comments here. Markdown syntax accepted.</pre>
    $scratch := newScratch  
    $scratch.Set "comments" (.Resources.Match "comments/*yml")  
    if eq 1 (len ($scratch.Get "comments"))  
  <h2>1 Comment</h2>
  <h2>  len ($scratch.Get "comments")   Comments</h2>
    range ($scratch.Get "comments")  
  <div class="post-comment  % cycle 'odd', 'even' % ">
	  $comment := (.Content   transform.Unmarshal)  
	<span class="post-meta">
		 - $   dateFormat "Jan 2, 2006 at 15:04" - 
	<h3 class="comment-header">
	    if $  
	  <a href="  $  ">  $  </a>
	  <br />
	  $comment.comment   markdownify  

Comments To associate comments received by email to posts, I pipe them from mutt (using the keybinding) to the following (admittedly janky) shell script. It takes the comment, reformats it appropriately, and puts it in the post s comments subdirectory. Note that it determines which filename to use based on the email s contents, so make sure to check that the email doesn t contain anything nefarious before you pipe it into the script!
# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Ryan Kavanagh <>
# Distributed under the ISC license
EMAIL=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   grep "From:"   sed -e 's/From[^<]*<\?\([^>]*\)>\?.*/\1/g;s/@/-at-/g')
DATE=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   grep "Date:"   sed -e 's/Date:\s*//g'   xargs -0 date -Iseconds -u -d)
POST_ID=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   grep "post_id:"   sed -e 's/post_id: //g')
COMMENTS_DIR="$ BLOG_BASE /content/$ POST_ID /comments/"
# Strip out the email headers and whitespace until the start of the comment
COMMENT_WHOLE=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   sed -e '/^\s*$/,$!d;/^[^\s]/,$!d')
# Indent everything after the comment header
COMMENT_INDENTED=$(echo "$ COMMENT_WHOLE "   sed -e '/^\s*$/,$ s/.*/  &/g ')
# And add the comment header
COMMENT_PREFIXED=$(echo "$ COMMENT_INDENTED "   sed -e '0,/^\s*$/ s/^\s*$/comment:  / ')
[ -d "$ COMMENTS_DIR " ]   mkdir -p "$ COMMENTS_DIR "
echo "Saving the comment to $ COMMENT_FILE "
echo "date: $ DATE "   tee "$ COMMENT_FILE "
echo "$ COMMENT_PREFIXED "   tee -a "$ COMMENT_FILE "
For example, the following comment in an email body:
post_id: /blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/
author: Ryan Kavanagh
Dear self,
Here is a test comment for your blog post.
It supports *markdown* **syntax** and  stuff .
results in a file content/blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/comments/ containing:
date: 2021-03-12T18:47:25+00:00
post_id: /blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/
author: Ryan Kavanagh
  Dear self,

  Here is a test comment for your blog post.
  It supports *markdown* **syntax** and  stuff .

You can see the rendered output at the bottom of this page.

28 February 2021

Jamie McClelland: From openbox to sway

I've been running the Openbox window manager since 2005. That's longer then I've lived in any one apartment in my entire life! However, over the years I've been bracing for a change. It seems clear the Wayland is the future, although when that future is supposed to begin is much more hazy. Really, I've felt a bit like a ping pong ball, from panicking over whether Xorg is abandoned (with a follow up from a X server maintainer) to anxiously wondering if literally everything will break the moment I switch to Wayland. In fact, I started this blog post over a year ago when I first decided to switch from the Openbox to Sway. This is my third major attempt to make the change and I think it will finally stick this time. In retrospect, it would have been more sensible to first switch from openbox to i3 (which is a huge transition) and then from i3 to sway, but I decided to dive into the deep end with both changes. So... I'm on debian bullseye so I installed sway and friends (from sid). Then I copied /etc/sway/config to ~/.config/sway/config. I start openbox after logging in with exec startx so after rebooting, I ran exec sway and to my astonishment sway started. Hooray! However, I found that ssh-agent wasn't running so I couldn't ssh into any servers. That's kinda a problem. Launching ssh-agent under openbox was buried deep in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90x11-common_ssh-agent and clearly was not going to happen via wayland. Since programs using ssh-agent depend on the environment variables SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID being globally available I thought I could simply run $(eval ssh-agent) via my tty terminal before running exec sway. And, that would have worked. Except... I like to add my keys via ssh-add -c so that everytime my key is being used I get a ssh-askpass prompt to confirm the use. It seems that since ssh-add is started before a window manager is running, it can't run the prompt. Ok, we can fix this. After searching the web, I came upon a solution of running ssh-agent via systemctl --user:
# This service myst be started manually after sway
# starts.
Description=OpenSSH private key agent
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
Then, in my ~/.bashrc file I have:
if [ -n WAYLAND_DISPLAY ]; then
  export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/ssh-agent.socket
I think $SSH_AGENT_PID is only used by ssh-agent to kill itself. Now that is running via systemd - killing it should be do-able without a global environment variable. Done? Hardly. I've been using impass (nee assword) happily for years but alas it is tightly integrated with xdo and xclip. So... I've switched to keepassxc which works out of the box with wayland. My next challenge was the status bar. Farewell faithful tint2. One of the reasons I failed on my first two attempts to switch to Sway was the difficulty of getting the swaybar to work how I wanted, particularly with nm-applet. Two things allowed me to move forward: Next up: the waybar clock module doesn't work, but that is easy enough to work around. Replacing my uses of xclip with wl-clipboard was a little tedious but really not that difficult. Getting my screen shot and screen recorder functionality was a bit harder. I did a lot of searching before I finally found and compiled both swappy, screen shot and wf-recorder. In the course of all my adventures, I came across the following helpful tips:
  1. I've installed libreoffice-gtk3 to ensure libre office runs under wayland
  2. I've installed the latest Gimp via flatpak to get proper wayland support
  3. I've exported MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND to ensure firefox works properly.
  4. I've found that passing -c to my ssh-add command to ensure I am prompted for each use of my key seems to cause sway to crash intermittently.
  5. I am working on a questionable work around to get screen sharing to work in zoom. I haven't actually tried it on a real zoom call yet.
  6. Speaking of screen sharing - when using Firefox, I can only share Xwayland screens. Firefox is running under wayland so I can't share it. Chromium is running under xwayland, so I have to use Chromium when screen sharing.
  7. Wait, scratch that about screen sharing in Firefox. I've installed xdg-desktop-portal-wlr, added export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway and export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland to my .bashrc, and after hours of frustration, realize that I needed to configured firejail to allow it so that I can share my entire screen in Firefox. It doesn't yet support sharing a specific window, so I still have to keep chromium around for that (and Chromium can only share xwayland windows). Sigh. Oh, one more thing about Firefox: the option to choose what to share doesn't have "Entire Screen" as an option, you are just supposed to know that you should choose "Use operating system settings".
  8. I still am getting weekly crashes. Some of them I've fixed by switching to wayland friendly versions (e.g. Libre Office and Gimp) but others I haven't yet tracked down.
  9. My keyboard does not have an altgr key, so even though I have selected the "English (US) - English (intl., with AltGr dead keys)" I can't get accent marks. I went down a rabbit hole of trying to re-map the Alt key to the right of my space bar but it all seemed too complicated. So - I found a way easier approach. In my ~/.config/sway/config file I have: bindsym Mod4+e exec wtype " ". I have repeated that line for the main accent marks I need.
  10. Due to a Firefox Bug, when I share my desktop or mic or camera, the sharing indicator expands like a normal tiling window instead of remaining a tiny little box on each desktop reminding me that I'm sharing something. I'd prefer to have it be a tiny little box, but since I can't figure that out, I've disabled it by typing about:config in the Firefox location window, searching for privacy.webrtc.legacyGlobalIndicator and setting it to False. The reddit thread also suggested finding privacy.webrtc.hideGlobalIndicator and setting it to True, but that setting doesn't seem to be available and setting the first one alone seems to do the trick.
  11. Oh, one more environment variable to set: GDK_BACKEND=wayland,x11. First I just set it to wayland to get gtk3 apps to use wayland (like gajim). But that broke electron apps (like signal) which notice that variable but don't have a way to display via wayland (at least not yet). Setting it to "wayland,x11" shows the priority. Thank you ubuntu community.
  12. I've also finally consolidated where my environment variables go. I've added them all to ~/.config/sway/env. That seems like an official sway place to put them, but sway doesn't pay any attention to them. So I start sway via my own bash script which sources that file via [ -f "$HOME/.config/sway/env" ] && . "$HOME/.config/sway/env" before exec'ing sway.

24 February 2021

Rog rio Brito: Alternatives to ikiwiki?

It's been quite a long time since I last posted anything on this blog and I can say that one of the reasons for that I don't feel comfortable using ikiwiki anymore. I am actively looking for alternatives to ikiwiki that allow me, mainly, to write blog posts with the following characteristics (not necessarily in order of importance): Connected to the fact that I only can have static sites (no CGI, no forms, nothing else), I am, at this time, using Disqus to host the comments of my blog. I am also thinking of alternatives to this, like sending people to Twitter (or mastodon or email) or some site similar to Disqus, but with more of a Free Software inclination. Anyway, I am almost ready for any kind of transition, since I have already converted most posts (of course, not yet this one ) with some Python scripts to a format that I feel is a bit more format-agnostic than what ikiwiki uses.

  1. That's not to mention the myriad of hugo themes and theme authors that try to bribe you into using their hosted solutions (despite branding everything as "open source! OMG!"), like "wowchemy" you will have a hard time untangling the instructions of their so bloated themes to be usable on your local computer; so much so to the point that you give up with their convoluted configuration (which, potentially, doesn't "transfer" to other themes, if you are worried about possibly changing themes in the future).
  2. I like the style of fenced blocks that GitHub used, where you prefix the code with the name of the language to give a hint of how to highlight the code snipped.

26 January 2021

Ingo Juergensmann: Migrating from Drupal to WordPress

If you can read this on then migrating my blog from Drupal to WordPress was successful and the feed has been successfully changed by the Debian Planet Maintainers (thanks!). I ve been a long term Drupal user. I think I started to use Drupal since it was included in Debian. At some point Drupal was removed from Debian and I started to use Serendipity instead. Later Drupal was included in Debian again and I moved back to Drupal. I think this must have been around Drupal 4 or Drupal 5. No idea. I even became active in the Drupal community and went to one of the first Drupal barcamps in Germany, namely in Cologne. This was shortly before Dries Buytaert started a business off of Drupal and went to the USA. I met with many devs of Drupal in Cologne and enjoyed the community and started with others a local Drupal User Group in Rostock. In 2011 we organized a Drupal Barcamp in Rostock, which was quite successful. But at that time it was already apparent that Drupal became more and more complex. It was far away from its original idea of providing a simple to use website and blogging site. Now I m still on Drupal 7 and this is some sort of a showstopper. Older major version upgrades had a upgrade path, like from Drupal 5 to Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. But for Drupal 8 there is no easy upgrade path. There are some ways to upgrade, but nothing as smooth as the prior major upgrades. In fact the upgrade from 6 to 7 was already painful. My impression of Drupal today is that it is a framework suitable for agencies to built complex websites for their customers. It s too much of a hassle to use it for your hobbyist websites. So, after all the years my Drupal journey will come to an end. It was a long time with you. Sometimes joyful, sometimes painful. I wish you all the best, Drupal! Maybe I stay with WordPress, maybe I ll use Hugo in the future. Having a static website is very appealing, though

3 December 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppTOML 0.1.7: Support for g++-11, Minor Updates

A new RcppTOML release arrived on CRAN earlier today evening. RcppTOML brings TOML to R. TOML is a file format that is most suitable for configurations, as it is meant to be edited by humans but read by computers. It emphasizes strong readability for humans while at the same time supporting strong typing as well as immediate and clear error reports. On small typos you get parse errors, rather than silently corrupted garbage. Much preferable to any and all of XML, JSON or YAML though sadly these may be too ubiquitous now. TOML has been making inroads with projects such as the Hugo static blog compiler, or the Cargo system of Crates (aka packages ) for the Rust language. CRAN had sent us a note that the package no longer compiled under the [unreleased, of course, never change, BDR ;-) ] g++-11 compiler, but were kind enough to hint that it was only lacking an #include <limits>. These things happen: newer compilers are generally more strict, and that is generally a good things. (Last year this time we prepped code for the more stringent view on global variables under gcc-10. Earlier g++ version had similar demands to clarify include headers.) I set up a simple Docker contain with on Ubuntu 21.04 with g++-11, R, and Rcpp to build the package and make this change (which was of course also PR ed upstream at cpptoml), plus some other small ones that update the package since the last release roughly 18 months ago. We also switched CI use to the r-ci setup I should blog about a little more, removed a bashism and updated a few URLs. The bulleted list of changes in this version follows.

Changes in version 0.1.7 (2020-12-01)
  • Add #include <limits> to header file, also contributed upstream, to permit compilation under the (unreleased) g++-11.
  • Switch the simple cleanup script to sh.
  • Switch CI use to r-ci for focal and bspm.
  • Update several TOML URLs to

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report for this release. More information is on the RcppTOML page page. Please use the GitHub issue tracker for issues and bugreports. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

20 July 2020

Shirish Agarwal: Hearing loss, pandemic, lockdown

Sorry for not being on blog for sometime, the last few months have been brutal. While I am externally ok, because of the lockdown I sensed major hearing loss. First, I thought it may be a hallucination or something but as it persisted for days, I got myself checked and found out that I got 80% hearing loss in my right ear. How and why I don t know. Is this NIHL or some other kind of hearing loss is yet to be ascertained. I do live what is and used to be one of the busiest roads in the city, now for last few months not so much. On top of it, you have various other noises.

Tinnitus I also experienced Tinnitus which again I perceived to be a hallucination but found it s not. I have no clue if my eiplepsy has anything to do with hearing loss or both are different. I did discover that while today we know that something like Tinnitus exists, just 10-15 years back, people might mistake it for madness. In a way it is madness because you are constantly hearing sound, music etc. 24 7 , that is enough to drive anybody mad. During this brief period, did learn what an Otoscope is . I did get audiometry tests done but need to get at least a second or if possible also a third opinion but those will have to wait as the audio clinics are about 8-10 kms. away. In the open-close-open-close environment just makes it impossible to figure out the time, date and get it done. After that is done then probably get a hearing device, probably a Siemens Signia hearing aid. The hearing aids are damn expensive, almost 50k per piece and they probably have a lifetime of about 5-6 years, so it s a bit of a expensive proposition. I also need a second or/and third opinion on the audiometry profile so I know things are correct. All of these things are gonna take time.

Pandemic Situation in India and Testing Coincidentally, was talking to couple of people about this. It is sad to see that we have the third highest number of covid cases at 1/10th the tests we are doing vis-a-vis U.S.A. According to statistical site ourworldindata , we seem to be testing 0.22 per thousand people compared to 2.28 people per thousand done by United States. Sadly it doesn t give the breakup of the tests, from what I read the PCR tests are better than the antibody tests, a primer shares the difference between the two tests. IIRC, the antibody tests are far cheaper than the swab tests but swab tests are far more accurate as it looks for the virus s genetic material (RNA) . Anyways coming to the numbers, U.S. has a population of roughly 35 crores taking a little bit liberty from numbers given at popclock . India meanwhile has 135 crore or almost four times the population of U.S. and the amount of testing done is 1/10th as shared above. Just goes to share where the GOI priorities lie . We are running out of beds, ventilators and whatever else there is. Whatever resources are there are being used for covid patients and they are being charged a bomb. I have couple of hospitals near my place and the cost of a bed in an isolation ward is upward of INR 100k and if you need a ventilator then add another 50k . And in moment of rarity, the differences between charges of private and public are zero. Meaning there is immense profiteering happening it seems in the medical world. Heck, even the Govt. is on the act where they are charging 18% GST on sanitizers. If this is not looting then I dunno what is.
Example of Medical Bills people have to pay.

China, Nepal & Diplomacy While everybody today knows how China has intruded and captured quite a part of Ladakh, this wasn t the case when they started in April. That time Ajai Shukla had shared this with the top defence personnel but nothing came of it. Then on May 30th he broke/shared the news with the rest of the world and was immediately branded anti-national, person on Chinese payroll and what not. This is when he and Pravin Sawnhey of Force Magazine had both been warning of the same from last year itself. Pravin, has a youtube channel and had been warning India against Chinese intentions from 2015 and even before that. He had warned repeatedly that our obsession with the Pakistan border meant that we were taking eyes of the border with China which spans almost 2300 odd kms. going all the way to Arunachal Pradesh. A good map which shows the conflict can be found at which I am sharing/reproducing below
India-China Border Areas Copyright 2020
Note:- I am sharing a neutral party s rendering of the border disputes or somebody who doesn t have much at stake as the two countries have so that things could be looked at little objectively. The Prime Minister on the other hand, made the comment which made galvanising a made-up word into verb . It means to go without coming in. In fact, several news sites shared the statement told by the Prime Minister and the majority of people were shocked. In fact, there had been reports that he gave the current CDS, General Rawat, a person of his own choosing, a peace of his mind. But what lead to this confrontation in the first place ? I think many pieces are part of that puzzle, one of the pieces are surely the cutting of defense budget for the last 6 years, Even this year, if you look at the budget slashes done in the earlier part of the year when he shared how HAL had to raise loans from the market to pay salaries of its own people. Later he shared how the Govt. was planning to slash the defence budget. Interestingly, he had also shared some of the reasons which reaffirm that it is the only the Govt. which can solve some of the issues/conundrum

First, it must recognize that our firms competing for global orders are up against rivals that are being supported by their home governments with tax and export incentives and infrastructure that almost invariably surpasses India s. Our government must provide its aerospace firms with a level playing field, if not a competitive advantage. The greatest deterrent to growth our companies face is the high cost of capital and lack of access to funds. In several cases, Indian MSMEs have had to turn down offers to build components and assemblies for global OEM supply chains simply because the cost of capital to create the shop floor and train the personnel was too high. This resulted in a loss of business and a missed opportunity for creating jobs and skills. To overcome this, the government could create a sector specific A&D Fund to provide low cost capital quickly to enable our MSMEs to grab fleeting business opportunities. Ajai Shukla, blogpost 13th March 2020 . And then reporting on 11th May 2020 itself, CDS Gen. Rawat himself commented on saving the budget, they were in poor taste but still he shared what he thought about it. So, at the end of it one part of the story. The other part of the story probably lies in India s relations with its neighbors and lack of numbers in diplomats and diplomacy. So let me cover both the things one by one .

Diplomats, lack of numbers and hence the hands we are dealth with When Mr. Modi started his first term, he used the term Maximum Governance, Minimum Government but sadly cut those places where it indeed needs more people, one of which is diplomacy. A slightly dated 2012 article/opinion shared writes that India needs to engage with the rest of the world and do with higher number. Cut to 2020 and the numbers more or less remain the same . What Mr. Modi tried to do is instead of using diplomats, he tried to use his charm and hugopolicy for lack of a better term. 6 years later, here we are. After 200 trips abroad, not a single trade agreement to show what he done. I could go on but both time and energy are not on my side hence now switching to Nepal

Nepal, once friend, now enemy ? Nepal had been a friend of India for 70 odd years, what changed in the last few years that it changed from friend to enemy ? There had been two incidents in recent memory that changed the status quo. The first is the 2015 Nepal blockade . Now one could argue it either way but the truth is that Nepal understood that it is heavily dependent on India hence as any sovereign country would do in its interest it also started courting China for imports so there is some balance. The second one though is one of our own making. On December 16, 2014 RBI allowed Nepali citizens to have cash upto INR 25,000/- . Then in 2016 when demonetization was announced, they said that people could exchange only upto INR 4,500/- which was far below the limit shared above. And btw, before people start blaming just RBI for the decision, FEMA decisions are taken jointly by the finance ministry (FE) as well as ministry of external affairs (MEA) . So without them knowing the decision could not have been taken when announcing it. The result of lowering of demonetization is what made Nepal move more into Chinese hands and this has been shared by number of people in numerous articles in different websites. The wire interview with the vice-chairman of Niti Ayog is pretty interesting. The argument that Nepal show give an estimate of how much old money is there falls flat when in demonetization itself, it was thought of that around 30-40% was black money and would not be returned but by RBI s own admissions all 99.3% of the money was returned. Perhaps they should have consulted Prof. Arun Kumar of JNU who has extensively written and studied the topic before doing that fool-hardy step. It is the reason that since then, an economy which was searing at 9% has been contracting ever since, I could give a dozen articles stating that, but for the moment, just one will suffice. The slowing economy and the sharp divisions between people based on either outlook, religion or whatever also encouraged China to attack us. This year is not good for India. The only thing I hope Indians and people all over do is just maintain physical distances, masks and somehow survive till middle of next year without getting infected when probably most of the vaccine candidates have been trialed, results are in and we have a ready vaccine. I do hope that at least for once, ICMR shares data even after the vaccine is approved, whichever vaccine. Till later.

4 July 2020

Russ Allbery: Review: The Light Brigade

Review: The Light Brigade, by Kameron Hurley
Publisher: Saga
Copyright: 2019
ISBN: 1-4814-4798-X
Format: Kindle
Pages: 355
In the wake of the Blink, which left a giant crater where S o Paulo was, Dietz signed up for the military. To be a hero. To satisfy an oath of vengeance. To kill aliens. Corporations have consumed the governments that used to run Earth and have divided the world between them. Dietz's family, before the Blink, were ghouls in Tene-Silva territory, non-citizens who scavenged a precarious life on the margins. Citizenship is a reward for loyalty and a mechanism of control. The only people who don't fit into the corporate framework are the Martians, former colonists who went dark for ten years and re-emerged as a splinter group offering to use their superior technology to repair environmental damage to the northern hemisphere caused by corporate wars. When the Blink happens, apparently done with technology far beyond what the corporations have, corporate war with the Martians is the unsurprising result. Long-time SF readers will immediately recognize The Light Brigade as a response to Starship Troopers with far more cynical world-building. For the first few chapters, the parallelism is very strong, down to the destruction of a large South American city (S o Paulo instead of Buenos Aires), a naive military volunteer, and horrific basic training. But, rather than dropships, the soldiers in Dietz's world are sent into battle via, essentially, Star Trek transporters. These still very experimental transporters send Dietz to a different mission than the one in the briefing. Advance warning that I'm going to talk about what's happening with Dietz's drops below. It's a spoiler, but you would find out not far into the book and I don't think it ruins anything important. (On the contrary, it may give you an incentive to stick through the slow and unappealing first few chapters.) I had so many suspension of disbelief problems with this book. So many. This starts with the technology. The core piece of world-building is Star Trek transporters, so fine, we're not talking about hard physics. Every SF story gets one or two free bits of impossible technology, and Hurley does a good job showing the transporters through a jaundiced military eye. But, late in the book, this technology devolves into one of my least-favorite bits of SF hand-waving that, for me, destroyed that gritty edge. Technology problems go beyond the transporters. One of the bits of horror in basic training is, essentially, torture simulators, whose goal is apparently to teach soldiers to dissociate (not that the book calls it that). One problem is that I never understood why a military would want to teach dissociation to so many people, but a deeper problem is that the mechanics of this simulation made no sense. Dietz's training in this simulator is a significant ongoing plot point, and it kept feeling like it was cribbed from The Matrix rather than something translatable into how computers work. Technology was the more minor suspension of disbelief problem, though. The larger problem was the political and social world-building. Hurley constructs a grim, totalitarian future, which is a fine world-building choice although I think it robs some nuance from the story she is telling about how militaries lie to soldiers. But the totalitarian model she uses is one of near-total information control. People believe what the corporations tell them to believe, or at least are indifferent to it. Huge world events (with major plot significance) are distorted or outright lies, and those lies are apparently believed by everyone. The skepticism that exists is limited to grumbling about leadership competence and cynicism about motives, not disagreement with the provided history. This is critical to the story; it's a driver behind Dietz's character growth and is required to set up the story's conclusion. This is a model of totalitarianism that's familiar from Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. The problem: The Internet broke this model. You now need North Korean levels of isolation to pull off total message control, which is incompatible with the social structure or technology level that Hurley shows. You may be objecting that the modern world is full of people who believe outrageous propaganda against all evidence. But the world-building problem is not that some people believe the corporate propaganda. It's that everyone does. Modern totalitarians have stopped trying to achieve uniformity (because it stopped working) and instead make the disagreement part of the appeal. You no longer get half a country to believe a lie by ensuring they never hear the truth. Instead, you equate belief in the lie with loyalty to a social or political group, and belief in the truth with affiliation with some enemy. This goes hand in hand with "flooding the zone" with disinformation and fakes and wild stories until people's belief in the accessibility of objective truth is worn down and all facts become ideological statements. This does work, all too well, but it relies on more information, not less. (See Zeynep Tufekci's excellent Twitter and Tear Gas if you're unfamiliar with this analysis.) In that world, Dietz would have heard the official history, the true history, and all sorts of wild alternative histories, making correct belief a matter of political loyalty. There is no sign of that. Hurley does gesture towards some technology to try to explain this surprising corporate effectiveness. All the soldiers have implants, and military censors can supposedly listen in at any time. But, in the story, this censorship is primarily aimed at grumbling and local disloyalty. There is no sign that it's being used to keep knowledge of significant facts from spreading, nor is there any sign of the same control among the general population. It's stated in the story that the censors can't even keep up with soldiers; one would have to get unlucky to be caught. And yet the corporation maintains preternatural information control. The place this bugged me the most is around knowledge of the current date. For reasons that will be obvious in a moment, Dietz has reasons to badly want to know what month and year it is and is unable to find this information anywhere. This appears to be intentional; Tene-Silva has a good (albeit not that urgent) reason to keep soldiers from knowing the date. But I don't think Hurley realizes just how hard that is. Take a look around the computer you're using to read this and think about how many places the date shows up. Apart from the ubiquitous clock and calendar app, there are dates on every file, dates on every news story, dates on search results, dates in instant messages, dates on email messages and voice mail... they're everywhere. And it's not just the computer. The soldiers can easily smuggle prohibited outside goods into the base; knowledge of the date would be much easier. And even if Dietz doesn't want to ask anyone, there are opportunities to go off base during missions. Somehow every newspaper and every news bulletin has its dates suppressed? It's not credible, and it threw me straight out of the story. These world-building problems are unfortunate, since at the heart of The Light Brigade is a (spoiler alert) well-constructed time travel story that I would have otherwise enjoyed. Dietz is being tossed around in time with each jump. And, unlike some of these stories, Hurley does not take the escape hatch of alternate worlds or possible futures. There is a single coherent timeline that Dietz and the reader experience in one order and the rest of the world experiences in a different order. The construction of this timeline is incredibly well-done. Time can only disconnect at jump and return points, and Hurley maintains tight control over the number of unresolved connections. At every point in the story, I could list all of the unresolved discontinuities and enjoy their complexity and implications without feeling overwhelmed by them. Dietz gains some foreknowledge, but in a way that's wildly erratic and hard to piece together fast enough for a single soldier to do anything about the plot. The world spins out of control with foreshadowing of grimmer and grimmer events, and then Hurley pulls it back together in a thoroughly satisfying interweaving of long-anticipated scenes and major surprises. I'm not usually a fan of time travel stories, but this is one of the best I've read. It also has a satisfying emotional conclusion (albeit marred for me by some unbelievable mystical technobabble), which is impressive given how awful and nasty Hurley makes this world. Dietz is a great first-person narrator, believably naive and cynical by turns, and piecing together the story structure alongside the protagonist built my emotional attachment to Dietz's character arc. Hurley writes the emotional dynamics of soldiers thoughtfully and well: shit-talking, fights, sudden moments of connection, shared cynicism over degenerating conditions, and the underlying growth of squad loyalty that takes over other motivations and becomes the reason to keep on fighting. Hurley also pulled off a neat homage to (and improvement on) Starship Troopers that caught me entirely by surprise and that I've hopefully not spoiled. This is a solid science fiction novel if you can handle the world-building. I couldn't, but I understand why it was nominated for the Hugo and Clarke awards. Recommended if you're less picky about technological and social believability than I am, although content warning for a lot of bloody violence and death (including against children) and a horrifically depressing world. Rating: 6 out of 10

1 July 2020

Utkarsh Gupta: FOSS Activites in June 2020

Here s my (ninth) monthly update about the activities I ve done in the F/L/OSS world.

This was my 16th month of contributing to Debian. I became a DM in late March last year and a DD last Christmas! \o/ This month was a little intense. I did a lot of different kinds of things in Debian this month. Whilst most of my time went on doing security stuff, I also sponsored a bunch of packages. Here are the following things I did this month:

Uploads and bug fixes:

Other $things:
  • Hosted Ruby team meeting. Logs here.
  • Mentoring for newcomers.
  • FTP Trainee reviewing.
  • Moderation of -project mailing list.
  • Sponsored ruby-ast for Abraham, libexif for Hugh, djangorestframework-gis and karlseguin-ccache for Nilesh, and twig-extensions, twig-i18n-extension, and mariadb-mysql-kbs for William.

GSoC Phase 1, Part 2! Last month, I got selected as a Google Summer of Code student for Debian again! \o/
I am working on the Upstream-Downstream Cooperation in Ruby project. The first half of the first month is blogged here, titled, GSoC Phase 1.
Also, I log daily updates at Whilst the daily updates are available at the above site^, I ll breakdown the important parts of the later half of the first month here:
  • Documented the first cop, GemspecGit via PR #2.
  • Made an initial release, v0.1.0!
  • Spread the word/usage about this tool/library via adding them in the official RuboCop docs.
  • We had our third weekly meeting where we discussed the next steps and the things that are supposed to be done for the next set of cops.
  • Wrote more tests so as to cover different aspects of the GemspecGit cop.
  • Opened PR #4 for the next Cop, RequireRelativeToLib.
  • Introduced rubocop-packaging to the outer world and requested other upstream projects to use it! It is being used by 6 other projects already
  • Had our fourth weekly meeting where we pair-programmed (and I sucked :P) and figured out a way to make the second cop work.
  • Found a bug, reported at issue #5 and raised PR #6 to fix it.
  • And finally, people loved the library/tool (and it s outcome):

    (for those who don t know, @bbatsov is the author of RuboCop, @lienvdsteen is an amazing fullstack engineer at GitLab, and @pboling is the author of some awesome Ruby tools and libraries!)

Debian LTS
Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies interested in making it a success. This was my ninth month as a Debian LTS paid contributor. I was assigned 30.00 hours and worked on the following things:

CVE Fixes and Announcements:

Other LTS Work:
  • Triaged sympa, apache2, qemu, and coturn.
  • Add fix for CVE-2020-0198/libexif.
  • Requested CVE for bug#60251 against apache2 and prodded further.
  • Raised issue #947 against sympa reporting an incomplete patch for CVE-2020-10936. More discussions internally.
  • Created the LTS Survey on the self-hosted LimeSurvey instance.
  • Attended the third LTS meeting. Logs here.
  • General discussion on LTS private and public mailing list.

Sometimes it gets hard to categorize work/things into a particular category.
That s why I am writing all of those things inside this category.
This includes two sub-categories and they are as follows.

Personal: This month I did the following things:
  • Wrote and published v0.1.0 of rubocop-packaging on RubyGems!
    It s open-sourced and the repository is here.
    Bug reports and pull requests are welcomed!
  • Integrated a tiny (yet a powerful) hack to align images in markdown for my blog.
    Commit here.
  • Released v0.4.0 of batalert on RubyGems!

Open Source: Again, this contains all the things that I couldn t categorize earlier.
Opened several issues and PRs:
Thank you for sticking along for so long :) Until next time.
:wq for today.

26 May 2020

Russ Allbery: Review: The Ten Thousand Doors of January

Review: The Ten Thousand Doors of January, by Alix E. Harrow
Publisher: Redhook
Copyright: September 2019
ISBN: 0-316-42198-7
Format: Kindle
Pages: 373
In 1901, at the age of seven, January found a Door. It was barely more than a frame in a ruined house in a field in Kentucky, but she wrote a story about opening it, and then did.
Once there was a brave and temeraryous (sp?) girl who found a Door. It was a magic Door that's why it has a capital D. She opened the Door.
The Door led to a bluff over the sea and above a city, a place very far from Kentucky, and she almost stayed, but she came back through the Door when her guardian, Mr. Locke, called. The adventure cost her a diary, several lectures, days of being locked in her room, and the remnants of her strained relationship with her father. When she went back, the frame of the Door was burned to the ground. That was the end of Doors for January for some time, and the continuation of a difficult childhood. She was cared for by her father's employer as a sort of exotic pet, dutifully attempting to obey, grateful for Mr. Locke's protection, and convinced that he was occasionally sneaking her presents through a box in the Pharaoh Room out of some hidden kindness. Her father appeared rarely, said little, and refused to take her with him. Three things helped: the grocery boy who smuggled her stories, an intimidating black woman sent by her father to replace her nurse, and her dog.
Once upon a time there was a good girl who met a bad dog, and they became the very best of friends. She and her dog were inseparable from that day forward.
I will give you a minor spoiler that I would have preferred to have had, since it would have saved me some unwarranted worry and some mental yelling at the author: The above story strains but holds. January's adventure truly starts the day before her seventeenth birthday, when she finds a book titled The Ten Thousand Doors in the box in the Pharaoh Room. As you may have guessed from the title, The Ten Thousand Doors of January is a portal fantasy, but it's the sort of portal fantasy that is more concerned with the portal itself than the world on the other side of it. (Hello to all of you out there who, like me, have vivid memories of the Wood between the Worlds.) It's a book about traveling and restlessness and the possibility of escape, about the ability to return home again, and about the sort of people who want to close those doors because the possibility of change created by people moving around freely threatens the world they have carefully constructed. Structurally, the central part of the book is told by interleaving chapters of January's tale with chapters from The Ten Thousand Doors. That book within a book starts with the framing of a scholarly treatment but quickly becomes a biography of a woman: Adelaide Lee Larson, a half-wild farm girl who met her true love at the threshold of a Door and then spent much of her life looking for him. I am not a very observant reader for plot details, particularly for books that I'm enjoying. I read books primarily for the emotional beats and the story structure, and often miss rather obvious story clues. (I'm hopeless at guessing the outcomes of mysteries.) Therefore, when I say that there are many things January is unaware of that are obvious to the reader, that's saying a lot. Even more clues were apparent when I skimmed the first chapter again, and a more observant reader would probably have seen them on the first read. Right down to Mr. Locke's name, Harrow is not very subtle about the moral shape of this world. That can make the early chapters of the book frustrating. January is being emotionally (and later physically) abused by the people who have power in her life, but she's very deeply trapped by false loyalty and lack of external context. Winning free of that is much of the story of the book, and at times it has the unpleasantness of watching someone make excuses for her abuser. At other times it has the unpleasantness of watching someone be abused. But this is the place where I thought the nested story structure worked marvelously. January escapes into the story of The Ten Thousand Doors at the worst moments of her life, and the reader escapes with her. Harrow uses the desire to switch scenes back to the more adventurous and positive story to construct and reinforce the emotional structure of the book. For me, it worked extremely well. It helps that the ending is glorious. The payoff is worth all the discomfort and tension-building in the first half of the book. Both The Ten Thousand Doors and the surrounding narrative reach deeply satisfying conclusions, ones that are entangled but separate in just the ways that they need to be. January's abilities, actions, and decisions at the end of the book were just the outcome that I needed but didn't entirely guess in advance. I could barely put down the last quarter of this story and loved every moment of the conclusion. This is the sort of book that can be hard to describe in a review because its merits don't rest on an original twist or easily-summarized idea. The elements here are all elements found in other books: portal fantasy, the importance of story-telling, coming of age, found family, irrepressible and indomitable characters, and the battle of the primal freedom of travel and discovery and belief against the structural forces that keep rulers in place. The merits of this book are in the small details: the way that January's stories are sparse and rare and sometimes breathtaking, the handling of tattoos, the construction of other worlds with a few deft strokes, and the way Harrow embraces the emotional divergence between January's life and Adelaide's to help the reader synchronize the emotional structure of their reading experience with January's.
She writes a door of blood and silver. The door opens just for her.
The Ten Thousand Doors of January is up against a very strong slate for both the Nebula and the Hugo this year, and I suspect it may be edged out by other books, although I wouldn't be unhappy if it won. (It probably has a better shot at the Nebula than the Hugo.) But I will be stunned if Harrow doesn't walk away with the Mythopoeic Award. This seems like exactly the type of book that award was created for. This is an excellent book, one of the best I've read so far this year. Highly recommended. Rating: 9 out of 10

23 May 2020

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Freexian s report about Debian Long Term Support, April 2020

A Debian LTS logo Like each month, here comes a report about the work of paid contributors to Debian LTS. Individual reports In April, 284.5 work hours have been dispatched among 14 paid contributors. Their reports are available: Evolution of the situation In April we dispatched more hours than ever and another was new too, we had our first (virtual) contributors meeting on IRC! Logs and minutes are available and we plan to continue doing IRC meetings every other month.
Sadly one contributor decided to go inactive in April, Hugo Lefeuvre.
Finally, we like to remind you, that the end of Jessie LTS is coming in less than two months!
In case you missed it (or missed to act), please read this post about keeping Debian 8 Jessie alive for longer than 5 years. If you expect to have Debian 8 servers/devices running after June 30th 2020, and would like to have security updates for them, please get in touch with Freexian. The security tracker currently lists 4 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file has 25 packages needing an update. Thanks to our sponsors New sponsors are in bold.

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1 May 2020

Utkarsh Gupta: FOSS Activites in April 2020

Here s my (seventh) monthly update about the activities I ve done in the F/L/OSS world.

It s been 14 months since I ve started contributing to Debian. And 4 months since I ve been a Debian Developer. And in this beautiful time, I had this opprotunity to do and learn lots of new and interesting things. And most importantly, meet and interact with lots of lovely people!
Debian is $home.


Other $things:
  • Attended Ruby team meeting. Logs here.
  • Attended Perl team LHF. Report here.
  • Sponsored a lot of uploads for William Desportes and Adam Cecile.
  • Mentoring for newcomers.
  • FTP Trainee reviewing.
  • Moderation of -project mailing list.
  • Applied for DUCI project for Google Summer of Code 2020.

Ruby2.7 Migration:
Ruby2.7 was recently released on 25th December, 2019. Santa s gift. Believe it or not. We, the Debian Ruby team, have been trying hard to make it migrate to testing. And it finally happened. The default version in testing is ruby2.7. Here s the news! \o/
Here s what I worked on this month for this transition.

Upstream: Opened several issues and proposed patches (in the form of PRs):
  • Issue #35 against encryptor for Ruby2.7 test failures.
  • Issue #28 against image_science for removing relative paths.
  • Issue #106 against ffi-yajl for Ruby2.7 test failures.
  • PR #5 against aggregate for simply using require.
  • PR #6 against aggregate for modernizing CI and adding Ruby 2.5 and 2.7 support.
  • Issue #13 against espeak-ruby for Ruby2.7 test failures.
  • Issue #4 against tty-which for test failures in general.
  • Issue #11 against packable for Ruby2.7 test failures. PR #12 has been proposed.
  • Issue #10 against growl for test failures and proposed an initial patch.

Downstream: I fixed and uploaded the following packages in Debian:

Debian LTS
Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies interested in making it a success.
This was my seventh month as a Debian LTS paid contributor. I was assigned 24.00 hours and worked on the following things:

CVE Fixes and Announcements:

Other LTS Work:

Sometimes it gets hard to categorize work/things into a particular category.
That s why I am writing all of those things inside this category.
This includes two sub-categories and they are as follows.

Personal: This month I could get the following things done:
  • Most importantly, I finally migrated to a new website. Huge UI imporvement! \o/
    From Jekyll to Hugo, it was not easy. But it was worth it! Many thanks to Luiz for writing hugo-coder, Clement, and Samyak!
    If you find any flaws, issues and pull requests are welcomed at utkarsh2102/
  • Wrote battery-alert, a mini-project of my own to show battery alerts at <10% and >90%.
    Written in shell, it brings me all the satisfaction as it has saved my life on many occasions.
    And guess what? It has more users than just myself!
    Reviews and patches are welcomed \o/
  • Mentored in HackOn Hackathon. Thanks to Manvi for reaching out!
    It was fun to see people developing some really nice projects.
  • Thanks to Ray and John, I became a GitLab Hero!
    (I am yet to figure out my role and responibility though)
  • Atteneded Intro Sec Con and had the most fun!
    Heard Ian s keynote and attended other talks and learned how to use WireShark!

Open Source: Again, this contains all the things that I couldn t categorize earlier.
Opened several issues and pull requests:
  • Issue #297 against hugo-coder, asking to enable RSS feed for blogs.
  • PR #316 for hugo-coder for fixing the above issue myself.
  • Issue #173 against arbre for requesting a release.
  • Issue #104 against combustion, asking to relax dependency on rubocop. Fixed in this commit.
  • Issue #16 against ffi-compiler for requesting to fix homepage and license.
  • Issue #57 against gographviz for requesting a release.
  • Issue #14 against crb-blast, suggesting compatability with bio 2.0.x.
  • Issue #58 against uniform_notifier for asking to drop the use of ruby-growl.
  • PR #2072 for polybar, adding installation instructions on Debian systems.

Until next time.
:wq for today.

16 April 2020

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Freexian s report about Debian Long Term Support, March 2020

A Debian LTS logo Like each month, here comes a report about the work of paid contributors to Debian LTS. Individual reports In March, 252 work hours have been dispatched among 14 paid contributors. Their reports are available: Evolution of the situation March was a strange month for many people all over the globe. Here we ll just express our hopes that you are and will be well! LTS gained a new contributor in March, Anton Gladky, however he then decided to become active later this year. Similarly Hugo Lefeuvre notified us that he ll be inactive in April. In case you missed it (or missed to act), please read this post about keeping Debian 8 Jessie alive for longer than 5 years. If you expect to have Debian 8 servers/devices running after June 30th 2020, and would like to have security updates for them, please get in touch with Freexian. Hurry up: the end of Jessie LTS is coming in less than three months! The security tracker currently lists 25 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file has 23 packages needing an update. Thanks to our sponsors New sponsors are in bold.

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25 March 2020

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Freexian s report about Debian Long Term Support, February 2020

A Debian LTS logo Like each month, here comes a report about the work of paid contributors to Debian LTS. Individual reports In February, 226 work hours have been dispatched among 14 paid contributors. Their reports are available: Evolution of the situation February began as rather calm month and the fact that more contributors have given back unused hours is an indicator of this calmness and also an indicator that contributing to LTS has become more of a routine now, which is good. In the second half of February Holger Levsen (from LTS) and Salvatore Bonaccorso (from the Debian Security Team) met at SnowCamp in Italy and discussed tensions and possible improvements from and for Debian LTS. The security tracker currently lists 25 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file has 21 packages needing an update. Thanks to our sponsors New sponsors are in bold.

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17 November 2017

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Freexian s report about Debian Long Term Support, October 2017

A Debian LTS logoLike each month, here comes a report about the work of paid contributors to Debian LTS. Individual reports In October, about 197 work hours have been dispatched among 13 paid contributors. Their reports are available: Evolution of the situation The number of sponsored hours increased slightly to 183 hours per month. With the increasing number of security issues to deal with, and with the number of open issues not really going down, I decided to bump the funding target to what amounts to 1.5 full-time position. The security tracker currently lists 50 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file 36 (we re a bit behind in CVE triaging apparently). Thanks to our sponsors New sponsors are in bold.

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20 October 2017

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Freexian s report about Debian Long Term Support, September 2017

A Debian LTS logoLike each month, here comes a report about the work of paid contributors to Debian LTS. Individual reports In August, about 170 work hours have been dispatched among 13 paid contributors. Their reports are available: Evolution of the situation The number of sponsored hours is the same as last month. But we have a new sponsor in the pipe. The security tracker currently lists 52 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file 49. The number of packages with open issues decreased slightly compared to last month but we re not yet back to the usual situation. Thanks to our sponsors New sponsors are in bold.

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30 September 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Breaking RSS Change in Hugo

My website and blog are managed by the static site generator Hugo. I ve found this to be a stable and flexible system, but at the last upgrade a breaking change has occurred that broken the syndication of my blog on various planets. At first I thought perhaps with my increased posting rate the planets were truncating my posts but this was not the case. The problem was in Hugo pull request #3129 where for some reason they have changed the RSS feed to contain only a lead instead of the full article. I ve seen other content management systems offer a similar option but at least they point out that it s truncated and offer a read more link. Here it just looks like I m publishing truncated unfinished really short posts. If you take a look at the post above, you ll see that the change is in an embedded template and it took a little reading the docs to work out how to revert the change. The steps are actually not that difficult, but it s still annoying that the change occurred. In a Hugo site, you will have a layouts directory that will contain your overrides from your theme. Create a new file in the path layouts/_default/rss.xml (you may need to create the _default directory) with the following content:
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
    <title>  if eq  .Title  .Site.Title   .Site.Title   else   with .Title  .  on   end   .Site.Title   end  </title>
    <link>  .Permalink  </link>
    <description>Recent content   if ne  .Title  .Site.Title   with .Title  in  .    end   end  on   .Site.Title  </description>
    <generator>Hugo --</generator>  with .Site.LanguageCode  
    <language> . </language> end  with  
    <managingEditor> .  with $   ( . ) end </managingEditor> end  with  
    <webMaster> .  with $   ( . ) end </webMaster> end  with .Site.Copyright  
    <copyright> . </copyright> end  if not .Date.IsZero  
    <lastBuildDate>  .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700"   safeHTML  </lastBuildDate>  end  
      with .OutputFormats.Get "RSS"  
          printf "<atom:link href=%q rel=\"self\" type=%q />" .Permalink .MediaType   safeHTML  
      range .Data.Pages  
      <title>  .Title  </title>
      <link>  .Permalink  </link>
      <pubDate>  .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700"   safeHTML  </pubDate>
        with  <author> .  with $   ( . ) end </author> end 
      <guid>  .Permalink  </guid>
      <description>  .Content   html  </description>
If you like my new Hugo theme, please let me know and I ll bump tidying it up and publishing it further up my todo list.

17 September 2017

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Freexian s report about Debian Long Term Support, August 2017

A Debian LTS logoLike each month, here comes a report about the work of paid contributors to Debian LTS. Individual reports In August, about 189 work hours have been dispatched among 12 paid contributors. Their reports are available: Evolution of the situation The number of sponsored hours is the same as last month. The security tracker currently lists 59 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file 60. The number of packages with open issues decreased slightly compared to last month but we re not yet back to the usual situation. The number of CVE to fix per package tends to increase due to the increased usage of fuzzers. Thanks to our sponsors New sponsors are in bold.

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